
Job Postings

Job Postings

Bidding is open between 2:30 pm and 6 am the next business day.
You must be in Goodstanding and registered on the out of work list in order to bid. Please check your status on the My Information page and confirm your position on the Out of Work list page.
Click on a job name for further details:
 NumberSiteManpower RequiredStart DateDurationShiftBid   
1 20666SuncorCA JYM(2), CA APP 4(1)2024-09-172 Week(s) Plus14 Day(s) on - 7 Day(s) off nights   
2 20667SuncorCA APP 3(1)2024-09-172 Week(s) Plus14 Day(s) on - 7 Day(s) off nights   
Place a checkmark and CONFIRM beside the job(s) you are interested in. To remove your bid, remove checkmark beside job and CONFIRM. You MUST go to the BID SEQUENCE page to prioritize your selections and receive a confirmation email. If you do not do this you will be dispatched to the first available job that you qualify for.
During the slow season, there may be days when your dispatcher does not have jobs available to bid on.
If you do not have the required training certifications but may be able to complete the training before the job start date, please bid for the job and contact the training department using the Contact Us page to enroll into the required course(s).
Selected Job Posting: